28 Mar

DOGE developer "Mishaboar" has stirred up discussions about the potential integration of Dogecoin payments on Elon Musk's X platform, adding to the community's anticipation. Mishaboar, a prominent figure in the Dogecoin community, has raised questions about the incorporation of DOGE and crypto payments into X (formerly Twitter).

Since Musk's acquisition of the platform in October 2022, there have been speculations about DOGE being integrated into X's payment system.

Despite hints from Musk and signs like X Payments obtaining licenses for money transmitter activities in various U.S. states, the actual implementation of Dogecoin payments is still pending.

In a recent statement, Mishaboar highlighted the ongoing discussion about X's payment infrastructure. Referring to Musk's past comments, Mishaboar speculated on the potential introduction of crypto payments in subsequent phases of X Payments. However, the timeline and method of integration remain uncertain, with Mishaboar suggesting potential collaborations with exchanges or brokerage platforms.

As the conversation unfolded, other DOGE enthusiasts chimed in, offering their insights on the topic. Some showed cautious optimism, suggesting a gradual introduction of crypto payments, while others anticipated a longer timeline, suggesting that full implementation could take up to five years.

Amid recent regulatory advancements, X Payments has achieved notable progress by obtaining licenses for money transmitter activities in three more U.S. states: Illinois, New Mexico, and Oregon.

This expansion broadens X Payments' operational scope, adding to the existing licenses held in 19 other states. As Dogecoin continues to attract interest from investors and enthusiasts alike, its potential integration into platforms like X could signify a significant step towards mainstream adoption of cryptocurrencies.

March 2024, cryptoniteuae

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