16 Apr

In response to a perceived lack of worldwide clarity on stablecoin regulations, the two biggest digital dollar suppliers have taken different approaches. Circle is appealing to US lawmakers for assistance, while Tether is going after fraud and money laundering head-on.

How will the two biggest stablecoin issuers in the US, Tether and Circle, change and grow as the traditional banking industry's regulatory frameworks become more and more integrated with the cryptocurrency space?

These influential figures in crypto have followed diverse routes thus far.
Casting itself as the more compliant choice, Circle endorses the requests for international cooperation made by other regulators. Tether, on the other hand, has embraced a proactive, reactive strategy that is adaptable to country differences, particularly in the war against crime.

In an interview, Circle's chief strategy officer and head of global policy, Dante Disparte, stated that stablecoin regulations have to be unified rather than balkanized.

"It's not that those countries are doing something wrong or making a mistake; the gap is actually U.S. policy inaction," he said, adding that other nations are passing laws to close the gap. "Therefore, a trend we should anticipate is a balkanization of the industry as more nations build barriers and institute regulations that prioritize possessing a local advantage."

 According to Disparate, the Travel Rule's imposition on transactions involving digital assets has produced a standard that allows crypto endpoints to be protected. "Now, consider if stablecoins were subject to legislation where the reference currency set minimum standards for financial crime, compliance, financial integrity, and a host of other areas," he stated. Tether sees the stablecoin market in the same light as the Eurodollar—dollar deposits held outside of the United States and therefore exempt from regulation—and has no intention of serving U.S. clients. It sees underbanked nations and emerging markets as key areas for growth and is developing its strategy for collaborating with law enforcement.

April 2024, Cryptoniteuae

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